Biden and Harris don’t care

The definition of insanity is an organization that blasts a SCOTUS decision while the chapter President of the NAACP in New York sides with the Governor of New York & the President of the United States in their disregard of black people. When you specifically target one product used by one race this is the definition of racism.

  • Kamala Harris had to be forced by the California Supreme Court to ensure a defendants rights. Harris said Joe Biden heaped praise on segregation Senators. Harris when elected was asked what she would do for black America and she pro-offered why would she do anything for black America?
  • Kamal Harris after alleging all these inequities of Joe Biden, then went to work for him. In my view this akin to MLK working for the KKK, if you say you are black, do you really go work for the President who brings fried chicken to a black families home for a pandering event.

  • Discrimination in construction jobs increase home prices for all of us.
  • Real estate appraisals that discriminate against black homeowners.
  • Newport and Menthol cigarettes are bad for black however white folks retain
  • All of their brands of cigarettes. I guess the White House doesn’t like white folks either!
  • No Aunt Jemima, No Mrs. Butterworth, No Uncle Ben’s Rice, all Erased, who asked for this again?
  • The NAACP allowed everything black people loved and liked to be removed from history with some states actually trying to erase the sins of Jim Crow?  Now we’re supposed to be outraged because 2 or 3 black people can’t go to Harvard, a University that turned out one of the most racist persons of the 21st century that is Ron DeSantis.

The NAACP is the epitome of bad politics for black people.  Dr. King would be ashamed that you let the Civil Rights movement get pushed aside by the ambiguous of sexuality.  Emmett Till’s accusers died in 2023 and the State of Georgia cancelled her warrant while arresting a prior President, what logic.  Where was the NAACP reminding people of a beautiful boys life lost for a gesture that never occurred?  No-Where that’s where!

How out of touch and arrogant to impose ones view on a Whole Race of People and this is exactly why Roe is No More because Americans forgot what it Means to be Free and black organizations including Al Sharpton’s & the NAACP forgot the People they work for! Do black a favor for once democrats and force a primary of democrats seeking your vote.